Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Brings Jet-Pack Poultry To PSN

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Brings Jet-Pack Poultry To PSN

Being the creator of the Rocketbirds and being the only European team member of Ratloop (I’m the Belgian) it gives me great pleasure to post something here about our upcoming cinematic platform game, titled “Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken”!
Rocketbirds gets its stylistic influences from the European comics I read when I was growing up – When I started reading comics, it was Ravian, Tin Tin, Asterix, Storm, Lucky Luke, then later, as a teenager (and beyond), I started following comic book artists such as Jean Giraud, Simon Bisley and Jamie Hewlitt. I’d always liked reading the absurdist tales of the 2000 AD comics (Judge Dredd, ABC Warriors etc.), so I decided to tell a dark, absurdist tale of my own in Rocketbirds.

Hardboiled Chicken, a chicken so tough he survived being boiled as a foetus, jet-packs into Albatropolis on his way to kill the totalitarian and ‘fearless’ leader of the penguins: ‘Il Putzki’. Unfortunately, he crashes in the wrong place and must run, shoot and climb the rest of the way. With your help, many penguins will lose their lives, a revolution will be sparked and much ammo will be wasted!
The available power of the PlayStation 3 allowed for a vast improvement on the controls, visuals, and gameplay compared to our browser game “Rocketbirds: Revolution!” which became a triple Finalist game at the 2010 Independent Games Festival. Here we were given another chance to further iterate on the original, polish and get things right. New features such as a jetpack mode and a couch co-op mode have been added on top of new weapons, new enemies, new levels, new movies and new tracks by LA based indie band, New World Revolution. The environments and artwork have undergone a complete 3D makeover and the game also offers stereoscopic 3D support, running at a super smooth 60 Hz at 720p.
I hope you guys will have as much fun playing the game as we have had making it!
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken will launch exclusively on the Playstation Network in the SCEE territories by the end of this year. Launch date will be revealed at a later date.

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